Up to now, previous discussions about information and computation have been rather informal -- I have neglected to give detailed mathematical introductions to concepts like Shannon entropy, Turing universality, codes etc. for the simple reason that for our purposes, a qualitative understanding has been fully sufficient.
However, if we want to make any quantitative statements about the notions of information and computation, it will benefit us to take another look at the subject in a slightly more formal context.
To this end, the most efficient framework seems to me to be that of algorithmic information theory, introduced and developed mainly by the mathematicians Ray Solomonoff, Andrey Kolmogorov, and Gregory Chaitin in the 1960s. According to Chaitin, AIT is "the result of putting Shannon's information theory and Turing's computability theory into a cocktail shaker and shaking vigorously"; as such, it will aid us in achieving a better understanding, in a quantitative way, of both subjects.
In a way, AIT is concerned with a concrete realisation of the somewhat abstract-seeming notion of information or information content within the realm of computation. To this end, its central concept is the so-called Kolmogorov complexity, which, loosely speaking, provides a measure of the information content of an object -- say, a string of binary digits -- by considering the shortest program, on a given computer, that outputs this object. This might seem at first like a rather arbitrary definition: different computers generally will have different programs, of different lengths, that generate the string, leading to different complexities for one and the same object. But it turns out that despite this ambiguity, Kolmogorov complexity is useful independent of the concrete computational implementation it is based on.